Frequently Asked Questions
How long will my website design take?

Typically, most of our website projects take from between 2 to 8 weeks to complete. It very much depends on the functionality and detail of the design required, and on whether you supply the content or you need us to create it for you. Once we have a detailed specification we can provide you with much more accurate time scales.

We ask you to complete a Requirements form which will contain information such as your brand guidelines (colours, fonts etc. if you have them), website type, functionality requirements, design likes and dislikes (including example websites you like or dislike), your products and services, competitor websites, your target market, your budget and technical information such as hosting details (if you have them). If you are supplying your own images and copy we will need that too. The Requirements form contains guidance for you on each section.

Yes. All our websites are designed to operate on all types of screens from small, Mobile Smartphones to large cinematic displays. They use the approved Google screen sizes so are ranked much higher by all the search engines.

Content is also tailored to the display type, i.e. it is fully responsive. For example, images sizes are automatically optimised to the device: The image sizes served to Smartphones are optimised for small screens, usually no bigger than 640x480px. Whereas the images sizes served to very large displays are optimised for those types of screens and are usually 1920x1280px or even bigger.

It very much depends on the type of site you require. You can, of course, specify a particular platform if you wish but, as a rough guide:

  • A One Page Site, Start-up Site, Brochure Site and Multi-Page (e.g. 4-6 pages) is usually in HTML 5 and, possibly, JavaScript and some PHP as required
  • A Blog, small CMS and WordPress site is usually in WordPress. WordPress has a simple and easy to use dashboard that allows you to update content as required.
  • An Intranet site, complex CMS site and e-Commerce site is usually written in PHP, SQL and jQuery

We will always use the best platform to meet your specific requirements. All our websites are fully Responsive, Multilingual ready and optimised for speed. They also use the latest version of PHP, HTML and CSS (currently: PHP 7, HTML 5 and CSS3) as required.

All the design and development work is handled in-house by our dedicated team of professional developers.

Specialist graphics and translations are subcontracted to hand-picked, trusted specialists in those fields.

Yes. We tailor the User Experience to the particular requirements of the site. Menu, buttons, links etc. are designed to be intuitive and easy to use as is the "flow" through the site.

We also optimise the site for download speed on all types of devices.

Once you've signed the contract you can only make very minor changes, as detailed in the contract, to the design and functionality without incurring extra costs. If you need to make larger changes, you complete a new Requirements form detailing the functionality and/or design required. When we receive the form we will send you a quotation for the work.

Yes. You will be given a login to your website when it is finished. If the website is on WordPress or our CMS platform, we will also give you training on how to use the dashboard so it is easy to understand for you. Please note that for websites which don't use WordPress or our CMS platform, you will need to understand HTML and CSS in order to edit the site.

If you’d like us to make future changes for you, for minor changes, like changing an image, sentence or paragraph, these are billed at our hourly rate in 15 minute increments. For larger or major changes, for example changing the functionality or adding a translation, we may ask that you complete a Requirements form and we will give you a quotation for the work. Always speak to your account manager they will discuss the change and what's required with you.

The Requirements form gives, in as much detail as you can let us have, the information about the type of site, content and functionality you require. This document, allied with further information you give your account manager, provides a firm base from which to work. We take this information and create a specification and, if necessary, a wireframe design for you. It also forms the basis of our quotation for the website.

Does my website have to multilingual?

No. You choose. Each website is multilingual ready so if and when you wish you can easily add translations.

We have created special in-house code for each type of platform which, among other things, contain all the multilingual settings. We then customise the code for you and, as part of this customisation process, we activate or deactivate the multilingual settings.

Which languages are available?

Any known language for which we can find a native speaker of the target language and English. We use the base language of English as it is easier (and cheaper) to find native speaker translators. If you wish, we can try to find translators for other "base" languages.

What is the cost of a translation?

Each language has a slightly different cost but, as a very rough guide, using native speakers, between 5p and 15p per word. We will provide a quotation for each language you require.

You can, of course, supply translations if you have them.

Can you create the site in our language?

Yes. You will need to supply us with the content for the site in your language.

What is e-Commerce?

e-Commerce is the term used for commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet.

Can you integrate a payments system into the site?

Yes. PayPal, Stripe and SagePay are the most widely used payment processors and we can integrate them into your site. For other payment processors, provided an API is available, we can integrate any payments system into your site.

How much does a website cost?

Our websites vary in price depending on your requirements, the functionality required, any copywriting, translations, images and artwork required and the complexity of the project. As a very general guide, prices start from about £250 for a simple, one page site. For a quotation please complete the Requirements form.

What are your payment terms?

We require a deposit 50% when you sign the contract, an additional 30% is required once we have a BETA version of your website on a staging server. A final 20% is required when your website goes live, or within 4 weeks of placing the BETA version on the staging server, whichever is sooner.

Please note that no programming or detailed design work will commence until the initial 50% deposit is paid. Also, your website will not go live until the final payment is made.

How do we pay for additional functionality and design changes?

Once the contract is signed, if you want to make changes to the scope, design, functionality or any other part of the project, we will give you a quotation for the work. 50% is required upon acceptance of the quotation and the balance will be payable as per the payment schedule above. If the website is already on the staging server then 80% is payable upon acceptance of the quotation.

We only have a very limited budget, can you provide us with a site?

Yes. Your Account Manager will give you details of the type of website we can provide for your budget.

Which currencies do you accept?

Payments are made via our on-line payments provider who accepts most of the major currencies. All prices will be quoted in British Pounds Sterling (£ - GBP) and the currency conversion from your currency (if different) is automatically handled by our on-line payments provider when you make the payment.

Under certain circumstances we may be able to quote and invoice you in US Dollars ($ - USD) or Euros (€ - EUR). Please specify this requirement in the Requirements form.

Why do you use Skype or Tele-conference calls?

This is mainly down to cost. We provide websites for clients worldwide and the cost of travel and travel time is expensive. If you'd like a face-to-face meeting you can visit us at our office in Paris. If you'd like your account manager to visit you, we will happily quote you for the costs.

Do you provide any website guarantee or warranty?

Yes. We provide 30 days support of the code. This includes bug fixes and technical support. After this 30 day period, we offer a website maintenance plan which includes regular website updates as and when required. These updates help protect your website from potential threats that may compromise your website. Depending on your hosting package, we also set up an automatic backup system. The frequency of the backups depends on the nature of your site.

Do I own my website?

Yes. Once the final payment has been made and you have signed-off on the site the website is yours to own.