Installing NetBeans 9.0 on Windows

Do you want to know how to Install Apache NetBeans (incubating) 9.0 on Windows 7, Windows 8.x and Windows 10?

This video will show you how to Install Apache NetBeans (incubating) 9.0 on Windows and also how to add the Plugins from NetBeans 8.2.

You may also be interested in learning more about NetBeans with these very informative books from Amazon:

**Bonus: Included in the video – Create a Start Menu Link for Apache NetBeans (incubating) 9.0.**


The steps to install Apache NetBeans (Incubating) 9.0

  1. Download the ZIP file from:
  2. Select the “Mirror” closest to you.
  3. While it’s downloading check the version of Windows you have on your computer (see video for more details):
    1. Open File Explorer
    2. Right click on Computer and click on Properties
    3. Make a note of “System Type“. This will either be:
      • 32 bit Operating System
      • 64 bit Operating System
  4. Now check if the Java_JDK is installed on your computer. In File Explorer:
    1. Click on Local Disk (C):
    2. Click on Program Files
    3. Do you have a Folder called “Java“?
      • Yes – Open it and check if you have a file which has the letters “jdk” somewhere in it’s name (e.g. “jdk1.8.0.65“).  If not, follow the steps in No. If Yes, go to Unzip.
      • No – You need to Download and Install JDK 8 from your Operating System (32 bit or 64 bit Windows) from the Oracle Web site: (See the video for more information)
  5. Unzip the file to your root folder (C:) by right clicking on it and selecting Extract. (See the video for more information)
  6. Open the NetBeans folder and open the Bin folder 
  7. Click on the version of NetBeans for your Operating System. Netbeans.exe for 32 bit Windows or Netbeans64.exe for 64 bit Windows.
  8. If the program finds a previous version of NetBeans on your system, I strongly recommend you allow it to copy the settings by clicking Yes
  9. Click on the Install nb-javac button in the dialog. NetBeans will install the library and restart once it has installed the nb-javac library.
  10. That’s it. NetBeans is installed.


You may want to create a Menu entry for NetBeans. The details are in the video above from 10:15.


Having installed NetBeans, you may want to add the various plugins which are currently missing from NetBeans 9.0

Commands & Links:

NetBeans IDE 8.2 Plugin Centre:

List of Plugins Gist:

NetBeans Transition from Oracle:

You may also be interested in learning more about NetBeans with these very informative books from Amazon:
